Juhu Auto

Car marketplace in Germany

Create a finance-focused vehicle marketplace for buyers and sellers in Germany, on behalf of Bank Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (BDK).

Combining lessons learned from designing online retailing tools including vehicle search, finance calculators, applications and eligibility checking, brought together into a simple yet engaging way to buy a car.

From concept
To live product
Post-release User & A/B Testing


Use research conducted in the UK market and German market experts to create a bespoke vehicle marketplace for Germany, with a goal to optimise post-release.


Find a car
Contact seller
Get Pre-Approved
Book a test drive


Task Flows

Leveraging research from previous projects I developed user task flows for the primary task "Finding a car", outlining how buyers at different stages of the purchase journey could complete their tasks.

research plan
Research plan

People who know exactly which model they want can quickly get to the evaluation stage, while those still unsure need ways to explore and browse potential options.


Based on the requirements and task flows I created a simple sitemap.

Planning for street interviews

Wireframing & Prototyping

Four of the personas created

After a few rounds of testing and tweaking the prototypes, I spent time with translators converting the wireframes into German, then the wireframes were used by a 3rd-party branding agency in Germany to create the consumer brand "Juhu Auto". I then made some adjustments to the branded designs, and the product was built.

My work would continue a few months after release to test and optimise the product.

Four of the personas created

User Testing

Goal: Understand how users navigate the site to purchase a car, and discover the common pain points.

Type: Unmoderated test using Loop11.

Method: Initially I planned and built the test in English, then was later translated by my German-speaking colleague.

I used TestingTime to recruit German participants who recently bought a car or were actively searching for one.

Wireframes of the NV application process

Discovery: Participants mentioned they were interested in a particular bodystyle during pre-task questions i.e. Kleinwagen (Small car) but did not type this into the search box.

Solution: Create an A/B test that presents categories on the homepage that can be quickly tapped to display those results.

Discovery: Participants using the budget filter accidentally entered their 'maximum budget' into the 'minimum price' field, displaying only vehicles exceeding their price range.

Solution: Redesigned and deployed a new budget filter to be more focused on a maximum budget.

A/B Testing


Providing users with one-click ‘Bodystyle Categories’ on the homepage will increase conversion from the homepage to vehicle results.


22,000 users over 2 weeks, traffic split 50/50 between the Control and Variation homepage.


Wireframes of the NV application process
One of my designs for the juhu vehicle advert page
The vehicle advert page.
Wireframes before and after branding
Getting pre-approved
Viewing finance quotes on a laptop.
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